
4 Tips To Help Your Teen Deal With Eczema

Eczema, although often associated with infants and young children, is actually a lifelong affliction. The dry skin, rashes, and irritations are sometimes caused by external irritants, such as an allergic reaction, but more often there is no known cause. Young children tend to get outbreaks on their face and bodies, with many outgrowing the condition for the most part by their teen years. For some teens, though, eczema remains a major concern. Read More 

Handling Your Depression And Anxiety During Pregnancy: Ideas For You

When you find out you are pregnant, you are likely excited and nervous in equal measure. And while it is a joyous occasion, you may also begin to think of how you will need to change your routines and health regimen when you have an unborn child growing inside you. If you are a sufferer of depression and anxiety and currently dealing with those issues, you may wonder what you can do to keep your mental health intact while having a healthy, unaffected pregnancy. Read More 

3 Reasons Hearing Loss Is Connected With Depression

If you know you've experienced some hearing loss but have put off seeing a doctor and obtaining hearing aids, don't delay any longer. The problem can be detrimental to your well-being in various ways. For instance, this health disorder is connected with depression if left untreated. A few specific consequences tend to be responsible.  Relevant Research A study published in 2014 confirmed a link between hearing loss and depression. Whereas some 5 percent of individuals without hearing loss were identified as depressed, that percentage more than doubled among those with a certain degree of hearing impairment. Read More 

Comparing Your Hearing Aid Options

If your doctor has recommended that you get a hearing aid, then you have quite a few different options to choose from. It can be difficult to figure out which aid is best for you without knowing all the facts. To help you get started, here is a comparison of the different types of hearing aids: Behind the Ear (BTE) - BTE units sit on the back of the ear, and are usually attached via a hook that rests on top of the ear. Read More 

Toenails 101: 4 Bad Grooming Habits That Will Leave You With A Painful Ingrown Toenail

An ingrown toenail is a painful condition that most people will experience in their lifetime. The condition, which causes pain, redness, swelling and infection, occurs when the corner of the toenail becomes embedded in the soft flesh of the toe. While the condition can affect any toe, it is most common in the big toe. Fortunately, ingrown toenails are, for the most part, entirely preventable if you learn to take care of your nails properly. Read More