Hearing loss can be one of the most stressful and unsettling events anyone can experience, especially if you could hear good most of your life. You may have found living a normal life challenging as you lost your hearing, even if your hearing loss was gradual. You may have depended on sub-titles on movies to understand what was going on or you may have been avoiding social interaction because you couldn't understand what people were saying.
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Although giving birth is never pain-free, having an epidural eliminates much of the discomfort of contractions. If you are slated to give birth soon, you should consider whether you want this procedure or not. Although epidurals come with some drawbacks, many pregnant women think their benefits outweigh the drawbacks.
An epidural is a serious procedure because it involves injecting medicine into your back, numbing the nerves that are near your uterus and cervix.
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Do you often feel drained and exhausted? While it's wise to see your doctor to rule out cancer and other serious maladies, you should not simply stop trying to address the problem when you find out nothing serious is wrong. Ongoing tiredness can get in the way of your enjoyment of life. Attack this problem head on by seeing your chiropractor, who can help with your ongoing fatigue in a number of ways.
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If you are looking to get injections in certain parts of your body or face, you might want to think about a fat transfer procedure instead of a dermal filler. This procedure takes excess fat from one part of your body and injects it in another part of your body. There are many benefits to the procedure, but also some drawbacks you should be aware of. Before you have the procedure done, consider these pros and cons.
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Once you turn 50, doctors recommend that you begin having regular colon cancer screenings. This allows them to detect the early signs of cancer and prevent it from becoming a serious health issue. Without the screenings, you could find yourself with an advanced stage of colon cancer, which requires aggressive treatment with many side effects. Here is why colon cancer becomes such a serious problem and how the screenings help to prevent that.
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