
Researchers Race To Find Suitable Software That Addresses Patients Who Have Dense Breast Tissue

Dense breast tissue in women is a conversation that has been taking place in the medical community for a long time. Dense breast tissue is of concern because breast cancer cells take cover deeply in the density of women's breasts when they undergo annual mammogram testing. You run the risk of your breast cancer metastasizing in a year if your cancer is not discovered early. Researchers are searching for an efficient MRI software to address this issue in order to ward off the risk of advanced breast cancer. Read More 

What Are Your Best Cataract Treatment Options If You’re Diabetic?

If you've spent years living with diabetes, you're already well aware of the importance of taking good care of your eyes. Developing cataracts--or a cloudy film over the lens of your eye that can impact your vision and overall visual health--can be more than an annoyance for those with diabetes; it can signify a serious risk to your vision. Read on to learn more about how cataracts can interact with diabetes and which cataracts treatment options have the best chances of long-term success. Read More 

Reasons That Your Doctor May Refer You For An Ultrasound Appointment

Many people associate having an ultrasound appointment with being pregnant, and with good reason. When you're expecting a child, you'll attend several appointments with an ultrasound technician to see images of the baby growing. However, being pregnant isn't the only reason that people visit the ultrasound clinic. Your doctor might refer you to this medical practitioner for a long list of reasons. Typically, you'll schedule a visit at an ultrasound clinic, which may be in the same medical building as your family doctor. Read More 

What To Expect During Treatment For Nonmelanoma Skin Cancer

Nonmelanoma skin cancer is very common in the United States, and when it is caught early it is typically easy to treat. The purpose of skin cancer treatment is to remove the cancerous tumor and cancer cells and to also prevent the cancer from spreading to other areas of the body, such as the lymph nodes. If you have been informed that you have nonmelanoma skin cancer, continue reading to learn what to expect from different treatment options: Read More 

Why Employers Should Get Their Employees Eye Exams

Employers want their employees to avoid injuries for a variety of reasons. First of all, many care about the health and well-being of their employees. Others are worried about the possibility of injuries could cause a lawsuit. Few understand how poor vision can contribute to injuries and cost them money. Most of them could simply be avoided by getting an eye exam for employees. Employees May Sue An Employer After An Injury Caused By Poor Vision Read More