Researchers Race To Find Suitable Software That Addresses Patients Who Have Dense Breast Tissue
Dense breast tissue in women is a conversation that has been taking place in the medical community for a long time. Dense breast tissue is of concern because breast cancer cells take cover deeply in the density of women's breasts when they undergo annual mammogram testing. You run the risk of your breast cancer metastasizing in a year if your cancer is not discovered early. Researchers are searching for an efficient MRI software to address this issue in order to ward off the risk of advanced breast cancer.
Oncotype DX
Oncotype DX is a fairly new technology that's performed by the labs to identify whether there are any cancerous margins or nodes involved in your breast tissue following surgery. This technology offers precise and accurate testing that allows your surgeon to determine whether you'll need chemotherapy or just a period of radiation. Your surgeon uses Oncotype test results to inform you, in consultation, exactly how many weeks of radiation you'll need. It could be that you'll require only a very short period of radiation, especially if your cancer is at stage I or II. It saves you from the old method of undergoing chemotherapy following surgery when it is not really indicated for your care status.
The race is now on to find technology that can clearly identify cancer cells in your dense breasts. Check to see if the state you live in is guided by a government rule indicating that you must be notified in writing that you have dense breasts. Once you have this information, discuss this issue with your physician.
Researchers Race For A Verifiable Dense Breast-Testing Software
Researchers are jubilant about a new and advanced software technology that shows great promise for producing whole-breast ultrasound technology, which is fast and comfortable. It is hoped that this ultrasound system will fulfill the need for establishing dense breast tissue cancer screening as an efficient way of addressing your dense breast tissue needs. Currently, applicants for testing the software are being recruited. Discuss this issue with your physician.
What Does Medicare Say?
In the meantime, talk with your gynecologist about concerns you have about your dense breast tissue. Medicare has approved a new testing technology that is covered for your doctor to use the technology. The only problem is that physicians are saying that it is too expensive and is best used only if your medical history says you're at risk for having breast cancer, but, if Medicare is willing to pay for the dense breast tissue testing, cost is not an issue. You should demand it's use. For more information about the available medical imaging, talk to a doctor at facilities like Omega Diagnostic Imaging PC.