The Journey Through Hospice

How Dry Skin and Fissures on Your Ankles Could Lead to Amputation

Many people rarely take the time to think about the dangers of dry skin on their ankles. This problem can cause serious breaks in your skin, known as fissures, which can increase the dangers of suffering from foot amputation. Dry Skin Causes Fissures Dry skin on your feet will become rough, scaly, and even painful. As the skin on your ankle remains dry, it will begin to expand and crack. These cracks are known as fissures in the skin, and they can be painful and problematic to live with when they occur. Read More 

Tips for Getting Your Medicine from a Pharmacy Faster

There is nothing worse than going to the pharmacy to pick up some of your medication only to see that there is a long line that is sure to lead to your being late for work. However, you've got to get your medication. Here are some tips for getting your medication from a pharmacy faster and avoiding the long, frustrating waits. 1. Call and Pick Up Your Medications Before Nine Read More 

Three Routine Questions About Sports Rehabilitation

Being active in sports can be an excellent way to stay in shape while also enjoying the camaraderie of your teammates. Unfortunately, it can be possible for you to suffer a serious injury during these activities. When this is the case, it may be necessary for you to undergo sports rehabilitation. If you have limited experience when it comes to these treatments, you may need to have some of the more commonly asked questions concerning these treatments answered. Read More 

Opiate-Free Pain Management Techniques: What You Should Know

Recently, physicians and researchers alike have been working diligently on one of the biggest problems facing American medical care today: the overuse of opiate painkillers and the epidemic of painkiller addiction that has occurred as a result. In order to deal with these serious issues in the pain management process, it has been necessary for physicians to develop new opiate-free pain management techniques and procedures as well as incorporate other options back into these programs. Read More 

The CT Scan Versus An MRI…A Guide To Understanding Your Health Screenings When You Have Ankle Pain After A Car Accident

If you or a loved one has recently been involved in a motor vehicle accident and is now experiencing significant ankle pain, the physician may order one or more tests of the area to determine the extent of your injuries. A CT scan, which could also be known as a CAT scan, and the MRI are two common tests you may be asked to undergo. Since they are both useful in certain situations, it is a good idea to be aware of the following information. Read More