Managing Symptoms When You Are Diagnosed With A Seizure Disorder

Seizure disorders manifest in a wide range of ways. For some people, a seizure can be a few seconds of missed time while staring off into space, while others have grand mal seizures that result in extensive convulsions. When you meet with a nervous system specialist because you had an obvious seizure or you are having symptoms that can't be explained, you may be told that you have a seizure disorder. Medication and some lifestyle changes can have a positive impact on your seizure disorder that manifests for unknown reasons. If you are having symptoms because of a brain tumor or other brain disorder, you may need a surgical intervention to control your seizures.

When Medication is Started

There are a variety of medications used to treat seizure disorders, depending on the type you are diagnosed with. The goal is to control your symptoms and allow you to live a healthy, vibrant life. When you begin a new medication for a seizure disorder, you may find that one of the main side effects is fatigue. While it may take you a few weeks to get used to a medication, pay attention to your symptoms as you are taking it. Your doctor may need to adjust your dose, or try another medication if the first doesn't work.

Pay Attention to How You Feel

Stress, a lack of exercise, and a poor diet can all make you feel even worse when you have a seizure disorder. Pay attention to how you are feeling. If you are tired because you are taking a new medication, allow yourself some time to rest. Pay attention to how overhead lights make you feel. Some individuals struggle with bright lights, while others have a hard time watching television in a dark room. Take care of yourself as best as you can, and try to minimize your stress levels.

Get Enough Sleep

If you have a seizure disorder, you may put yourself at higher risk for having seizure activity when you are overtired. While one night of rough sleep may not be a big deal, excessive sleep deprivation can lead to an increase in your symptoms. In addition, stay away from alcohol, as this can interfere with any medication you are prescribed.

When you have a seizure disorder, pay attention to your body. Learn what your symptoms of seizure activity are and take a break when you need to. For more information, reach out to a nervous system specialist.
