Some Things You Need to Know About Prostate Cancer
There are many men who are at risk for prostate cancer. If you don't catch prostate cancer early, the treatment can be intense, and the disease even fatal, which is why it is so important that you understand the risks of prostate cancer so you can protect yourself. Here are some things you should know.
What Are the Signs of Prostate Cancer?
First, it is important to know what you are looking for. Most of the symptoms of prostate cancer will have to do with your urination habits. For instance, you might feel pain while you urinate or the urge to go often. In the middle of the night, you might be getting out of bed to go to the bathroom often. Then when you are using the bathroom, you might find that you are having a hard time starting or stopping. Other people experience a loss of control of their bladder and experience incontinence. Additionally, the intensity of your flow may decrease, and you could experience blood in the urine.
Second, you can have other symptoms that aren't related to urination. You might experience pain in your lower abdomen, swelling in the legs and feet. And might have difficulty during sex. You could have painful erections and ejaculations. These are all signs that something is wrong.
Who Is at Risk for Prostate Cancer?
Another important thing to know is what the risk factors are for prostate cancer. First of all, it is less common in men who are under 40 years old, but once you get over 60 your likelihood of getting this cancer increases. Men who are of African American descent are more likely to get it. Additionally, if you have a sedentary lifestyle and a diet high in fat, you increase your chances. And lastly, if you have had family members with prostate cancer, you should be on the lookout since it does have genetic factors.
What Is the Treatment for Prostate Cancer?
The treatment plan that you will have will be based on your individual situation. This will depend on what stage it is in, which is another word for knowing how far it has spread. You will also have to determine the exact type of cancer mutation you have, and from there they will give you a treatment plan. Usually, there will be some sort of surgery as well as chemotherapy.
These are some of the things you need to know about prostate cancer. Check out a website like for more information and assistance.