Preparing For Breast Augmentation Recovery

If you are going to have breast implants placed to help enhance your look, you may be a bit worried about the effects the procedure will have on your body and what type of recovery to expect. Here are some of the more common symptoms you may experience and how to relieve them so that your recovery goes smoothly.

Dealing With Pain

Getting breast implants is a major surgery, so some pain is to be expected after your anesthesia wears off. The amount of pain that you will endure will depend on what type of procedure you had done. If you opted for over-the-muscle placement, the pain will be minimal compared to underneath the muscle.

Your surgeon will prescribe pain medication for you to take. You must take it according to the dosage recommended. If you try to wean yourself from the medication too soon, you may end up with a lot more pain that could have been avoided by taking the prescribed medicine.

Scars And Bruises

You will have light scarring from where the incisions were made to place the implants. If you opt for the incision to be placed in the underarm area, you may also have some bruising. Vitamin E capsules work well at fading any redness that you may get from the scars. To help with bruising and with pain relief, add cold compresses to the areas where there are incisions. You can place bags of frozen vegetables inside hand towels and stick them inside your shirt as you recover. Your doctor will also recommend that you sleep on your back for a few weeks to mitigate pain and to avoid deforming the implant as it settles.

Some Helpful Tips

Before going for your breast augmentation procedure, consider having your underarms waxed. This will save you from having to worry about shaving for a while. Go through your shirts and find all shirts that are button down so you are prepared after surgery. Putting on over-the-head shirts will be painful for a few weeks.

Make sure you have your medication and things you want nearby on a table within reach of your bed. You will need to rest for at least a week so you do not injure yourself after the procedure. Lying in a hot tub or a hot bath can help relieve some of the pain from the procedure. Avoid public hot tubs until your incisions have completely healed. If you have one at home, it will not have the risk associated with other people's bacteria. 
